Using Analytics to Measure Performance and Identify Areas for Improvement in Anoka County

Businesses in Anoka County can use analytics to measure their performance and identify areas for improvement. Professionals with a Master of Science in Business Analysis can help organizations gather information about user needs, identify solutions, and facilitate implementation, support, training, and continuity. Data analysis can help businesses release data, recognize and comprehend patterns, and leverage findings in real-world applications. Anoka County implemented a solution with a “crawl, walk and run” approach; they began gradually to simplify things, with phases for additional capacity planned in the future.

The County Assessor's Office is responsible for valuing and classifying the approximately 143,000 parcels located in Anoka County for property tax purposes. Data analysis can improve business operations in numerous areas, from empowering human resource managers to guiding marketing teams. Companies use data analysis to monitor changes in the market, including the evolution of customer demands, to devise new product and service concepts, prototype models, and test their offerings in the market. With a better understanding of the lifecycle of its assets, Anoka County has adjusted its preventive maintenance program to avoid unplanned downtime.

Employee data is based on information from people who have declared their own previous or current jobs in Anoka County. In one famous example, Netflix used Big Data and business intelligence to become one of the most renowned brands of all time. During the 100% online business analytics master's program, you'll gain practical experience with key technologies that can help solve today's most complex business challenges using powerful data methods and technologies. By tracking work orders and expenses in FAMIS, Anoka County has a wealth of reliable information to calculate the return on assets and manage their entire lifecycle. Implementing a new facility management system allowed Minnesota County to complete approximately 96% of work requests, representing a 45% improvement.

Businesses in Anoka County can use analytics to measure their performance and identify areas for improvement. Professionals with a Master of Science in Business Analysis can help organizations gather information about user needs, identify solutions, and facilitate implementation, support, training, and continuity.

Dane Kuzmish
Dane Kuzmish

Extreme social media scholar. Professional webaholic. Amateur web ninja. Incurable music fanatic. Amateur food specialist. Professional zombie fanatic.